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  • Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: report from September 1, 1906 to December 31, 1907


  • EDMUND JANES JAMES, PH. D., LL.D., President University of Illinois. SIR: Herewith I submit a report of the work of the State Water Survey from September 1, 1906 to December 31, 1907, with the request that it be printed as a bulletin of the University of Illinois, State Water Survey Series No. 6. The report includes a detailed description of the work accomplished during the 16 months ending December 31st, 1907, with a summary, by years, of the analyses made since the foundation of the Survey to that time, and a summary, by months, of the analyses made during the last two years. The new quarters into which the Survey moved during the summer of 1907, are described. The progress of the co-operative work with the State Board of Health, and with the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of Illinois, the State Geological Survey, and the Water Resources Branch of the United States Geological Survey, is reported. There are included the descriptions of several experiments or investigations carried on by the Survey. For these investigations special thanks are due to Mr. J. M. Lindgren for his Experiments in Water Treatment, to Mr. A. W. Sellards for the chapter on Sanitary Chemical Examination of Water Bacteria, to both of these gentlemen and to Professor A. N. Talbot, Professor H. S. Grindley, Mr. R. H. Slocum and the Corn Products Refining Company, for assistance and co-operation in the study of Trade Wastes at Waukegan; and to Dr. W. G. Bain for the description of the stand for fermentation tubes. Respectfully submitted, EDWARD BARTOW, Director.

Originally Deposited as: 999999992006

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Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 1908
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Date Created: 7 25 2005
Date Last Modified: 7 25 2005

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1. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: report from September 1, 1906 to December 31, 1907 (20060927102553_ISWSB-6.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois: 1482