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  • Municipal Solid Waste . . . and the 4 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Re-buy: an Illinois Elementary School Teacher's Guide


  • This manual has been designed for use at the elementary school level in classrooms where instruction dealing with municipal solid waste (MSW) and the 4Rs - reduce, reuse, recycle, and re-buy - is felt important. What separates this document from many others is the methodology as well as the scope and the sequence found here. The methodology focuses on issue investigation and the skills associated with it. The investigation skills methodology employs a broad, more generalizable approach to the process of issue investigation. The intent of this methodology is to develop in students the skills involved in issue investigation, evaluation, and resolution: capabilities which can be used throughout their lives as citizens.

Originally Deposited as: 742

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 08 22 2003
Date Last Modified: 08 22 2003

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1. Municipal Solid Waste . . . and the 4 R's: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Re-buy: an Illinois Elementary School Teacher's Guide (20060922184450_ELEM_MAIN.pdf).
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