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Electronic Documents of Illinois

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  • Illinois Natural History Survey Reports


  • Contents include: Tracking movement of mate-seeking WCR males between refuges and transgenic corn; Inventorying the pyrenomycetes of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park; Illinois' green infrastructure; Illinois Natural History Survey Library grand opening celebration; In memorian -- John K. Bouseman; Evaluating streams in Illinois based on aquatic biodiversity; Species spotlight -- assassin bugs et al.; The naturalist's apprentice -- what's in a name

Originally Deposited as: 610

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Phone Number:

Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2006
Number or Issue: 388 Summer

Date Created: 09 15 2006
Date Last Modified: 09 15 2006

Librarian Remarks:

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1. INHS Report (summer2006_copy.pdf).
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This is part of a series. It is part of Illinois Natural History Survey Reports: 13704