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  • Chemical Management Services - Focused Studies: Part 1. CMS in Small and Medium Enterprises, Part 2. A CMS


  • This report covers two aspects of efforts to increase adoption of chemical management services (CMS). The first is expansion of CMS into small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The second is reducing uncertainty among chemical users through a CMS "standard." A review of existing standards in other industries reveals five basic dimensions that must be considered in structuring a CMS standard. Three alternative structures for the CMS standard are proposed.

Originally Deposited as: 125

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Language(s): EN-English

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Date Created: 04 05 2004
Date Last Modified: 06 25 2004

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1. Chemical Management Services - Focused Studies: 1. CMS in Small and Medium Enterprises 2. A CMS (20060620192523_RR-104.pdf).
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