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  • Jesse White Targets Holiday Scofflaws Abusing Disability Parking at Malls Statewide Marks the 15th year the Secretary of State Police conducts stings


  • Secretary of State Jesse White announced that Secretary of State Police will be conducting parking stings at shopping malls statewide throughout the holiday season and ticketing individuals who illegally park in spaces reserved for persons with disabilities.

Originally Deposited as: 214335

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Phone Number:

Language(s): EN-English

Volume or Year: 2022
Number or Issue: November 23

Date Created: 11-23-2022
Date Last Modified: 11-23-2022

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1. Jesse White Targets Holiday Scofflaws Abusing Disability Parking at Malls Statewide (25738-Jesse_White_Targets_Holiday_Scofflaws_Abusing_Disability_Parking_at_Malls_Statewide.pdf).
Document Size: Software: MS Word Version: 11

This is part of a series. It is part of Press releases from the Governor's agencies: 102660